American Ginseng ~ Conservation Status
American ginseng was added to Appendix II of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) in 1975, due to concerns of the species being over-harvested as a consequence of international trade. Appendix II allows trade that is biologically sustainable and legal, and includes species that, although currently not threatened with extinction, may become so without trade controls.
In order for CITES-listed species to be exported from the U.S., the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) federal authorities must determine that the exports of wild American ginseng was legally harvested and will not be detrimental to the survival of the species. Each year, the 19 states and one tribe that regulate the harvest of wild ginseng, report the previous year’s total harvest by county. The USFWS then uses these data, plus findings of scientific research, and other biological and trade information, to determine whether the export will be detrimental on a state-to-state basis.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: American ginseng
USDA Plants Database: American ginseng
Map showing the presence of American ginseng within states and provinces for eastern North America. Not a distribution map.
(Click to view interactive map.)
(Click image below to view American ginseng on
Data provided by, 2020.
NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life. Version 7.1. Arlington, Virginia.
(Accessed: October 8, 2020 ). *Ginseng’s status was last reviewed in 2005.
States with American ginseng programs
by State/Tribal Authority
Please use links to explore ginseng programs by state/tribal authority.
Each link goes to the state ginseng program page.
* States with cultivated-only programs (Collection of wild American ginseng is prohibited.)